Horizon | Adding, Removing, and Editing Diverts and Call Forwarding
Access horizon portal
Access the Horizon login portal with the below link:

If you do not have access to your user or admin account, please contact us at
support@eclipsenet.co.uk to regain access.
Just note your extension number and the company you're from, ideally from the associated email address of the user.

You will need to have an administrator account to be able to access and edit IVR schedules.
Being created.
Hunt Groups

You will need to have an administrator account to be able to access and edit Hunt group diverts.

If you need to update or change a divert, the steps are the same as adding a divert except you just change the destination.
Accessing the Hunt Group
When you are logged in as an administrator, navigate to the Call Groups tab near the top of your screen and select the Hunt Group option.
Adding and Editing a Divert
Locate the Hunt Group you would like to edit, and on the right of that option, select Edit.
When the page loads, select Options.
About half way down, you will see a subheading for No Answer Action, this is what we will use for the divert.

There may be nothing in there, but if there is, you should take a note of what it is and how long for so you can revert back to it if you need to.
Make sure you tick the box next to the "Forward call to:" option, then put in the destination number - this may be an extension on your horizon account or an external telephone / mobile number. Just double check the digits when you type it in.
Once you have the destination set, you can chose how long in second it will be before the number diverts; if the seconds is set to 0, then the number will divert instantly without ringing any handsets in the hunt group.
Once you have made the necessary changes, just click save in the bottom right corner and the changes will take effect near instantly.
Removing or Reverting a Divert
When you would like to remove a divert or revert it back to the original, you just need to follow the steps for adding a new divert, but leave the box unticked if you do not want it to divert anymore, it should look like the image below:
Unfortunately, horizon does not store previous settings, so it is advisable to keep a note of what the settings were before you change them so you can always revert back to that if required.
Per User basis
Being Created
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